In The Mini Mint NFT Crypto Builder Game, each player's engagement directly supports the value of NFTs and tokens on the platform. As more NFTs are minted, bought, and traded, the in-game economy grows, which drives demand and visibility for the NFTs and native tokens like $AWT and $AWGT.
The funds raised through gameplay and minting increase the overall liquidity and value backing these tokens, creating a strong foundation for price appreciation.
Mini Mint Progress
Updates Daily at 12:00 UTC
0% of 100% (0/75000)
Contract address: 0x2a3cC28dD10A725933fa313642dFC94EA277C3E2
In the world of crypto, this goal is achievable with a relatively small number of people:
Total Revenue Goal: $75,000
To hit our goal of $75,000, we only need 12,500 NFTs minted. Here's the math:
12,500 NFTs × $0.50 per NFT = $75,000
But here's the exciting part:
it only takes a few people minting 12 NFTs each to reach this goal!
Just 625 people minting 12 NFTs each would get us to our target!
In the world of crypto, that's not a lot of people! The crypto community is global, with millions of active users, and getting just a few hundred people to mint is incredibly achievable.

So, it's not just a big goal — it's a doable one, and with your support, we can make it happen!
When players invest in NFTs or participate in minting, they contribute to the $75,000 revenue goal, which in turn is allocated to NFT holders, and token holders of $AWT and $AWGT.
This cyclical ecosystem means that as more players participate, both tokens and NFTs have the potential to gain intrinsic and market value, amplifying the worth of assets in players' hands and rewarding early adopters as the platform scales.
The platform tax also fuels ongoing development and marketing efforts, bringing more players into the game and further enhancing the value of the NFTs and tokens in circulation.